Not too long ago we gave you 50 awesome verbs beginning with ex, and we promised you a part 2 with more! Well, here it is, 40 more verbs beginning with ex. Why 40 and not 50 this time? Because we thought it would be fun if you guys came up with another 10 yourselves, so leave your suggestions in the comments section and let’s make it 50! You can view verbs beginning with ex pt 1 here once you’ve read the new ones below.
- Experiment: to test or try
- Expiate: to absolve of guilt, or to make amends
- Expire: to conclude or die, or to breath out
- Explain: to make something known or understood or demonstrate knowledge or understanding
- Explicate: to describe or analyze
- Explode: to burst or give forth, or suddenly accelerate or increase
- Extinguish: to eclipse, nullify, or quench
- Extirpate: to cut out, destroy, or uproot
- Extol: to glorify or praise
- Extort: to wring from, to obtain from by argument or intimidation
- Extract: to draw out, remove, or select
- Extradite: to deliver a fugitive from one jurisdiction to another
- Extrapolate: to infer, expand on, or predict
- Extravasate: to cause to escape, or to force out (as in surgery)
- Extricate: to free or remove from difficulty, or to distinguish from
- Extrude: to press or push out, or to shape
- Exuberate: to demonstrate unrestrained joy
- Exude: to diffuse or spread out, or to display obviously
- Exult: to rejoice
- Exploit: to utilize, or to take advantage of knowledge
- Explore: to analyze, investigate, or study, or to test or travel
- Export: to carry, remove, or send
- Expose: to make known, to show, or to subject to the elements or to view
- Exposit: see expound
- Expostulate: to discuss or examine
- Expound: to argue, comment, or state
- Express: to force out, to show, or to symbolize, or to offer feelings or opinions or to perform in order to demonstrate artistry and/or communicate creative material
- Expropriate: to deprive of property or take another’s property for one’s own
- Expulse: see expel
- Extend: to put or send out
- Extenuate: to mitigate or to reduce strength or effect
- Exteriorize: to bring out from inside (as in surgery)
- Exterminate: to get rid of or kill
- Externalize: to rationalize, or to make manifest
- Exit: to go out
- Exonerate: to reverse an accusation
- Exorcise: to get rid of an evil spirit or something troublesome
- Expand: to enlarge or spread
- Expatiate: to wander, or to communicate at length
- Expatriate: to banish, or to withdraw from residence or allegiance