Explore 42 captivating and uniquely-named colors and their fascinating histories. From ancient dyes to modern icons, this infographic is packed with cool details.
Explore the captivating world of animal group names. Learn unique collective nouns like a pride of lions, a gaggle of geese, and more in this fun and informative infographic.
Unlock the potential of seamless writing with these 18 types of sentence connectors and examples. Perfect for refining clarity and coherence, this infographic is an essential resource for any writer.
Discover 15 powerful writing tips, bad writing habits, and easy fixes to improve your writing. It's not difficult to learn to write concisely, vary sentence structure, and engage readers effectively. Take a look to find out how.
Unleash the power of vivid storytelling and master the art of expressing emotions compellingly. Ideal for enhancing your narrative skills, this infographic is a must-see for anyone seeking to improve their writing.
Explore creative alternatives to mundane adverbs and enhance your writing today. Tailored for writers and communicators, this resource is a practical guide to revitalizing your prose. Delve into it and empower your language skills with new, lively, and more compelling choices.
Plunge into the tricky differences of uncommon English plurals in this infographic. From 'fish' vs. 'fishes' to more, it's your guide through the plurals that often puzzle even the most avid language lovers.
Make your writing a little better with these easy grammar fixes. Learn how to avoid run-on sentences, misplaced modifiers, fragments, and subject-verb and pronoun-antecedent disagreement using this handy infographic.
Love food and eating? Love language? Idioms are fun, and paired up with food, they taste even better. In this infographic, we share 44 useful English idioms about food that not everyone may know.
Writing mistakes are everywhere, especially online or if you neglect proofreading. While those errors make an excellent lesson for language learners, it's often native English speakers who make them. Pretty embarrassing. Explore 16 common writing mistakes to avoid and what to use instead.
It's not easy to become a better writer quickly. But sometimes a few adjustments and changes to your habits can help you become a better writer faster. Here are ten tips that will help you do just that.
In this infographic, we cover 39 common literary devices you can use in your next story, book, or essay, to make your writing more enticing and intriguing.
Good swimmers swim a lot. Good writers write a lot. In this infographic, you'll find 100 short and snappy writing tips that will inspire and help you to become a better writer.
Is your text always clear and understandable enough? This flowchart will help you identify the most common mistakes, clean up your text and protect it from embarrassing spelling and grammar errors.
Some expressions, used too often or incorrectly, can bore an audience and hurt your communicative success. Here are 14 examples of such cases and what you can use instead to get ahead.
Find out when you should use formal or informal language in your writing, and discover 100 formal and informal counterparts of common English expressions.
All it takes to hook your readers is one sentence. If you mess up the intro, you may never see them again. A good example of such a botch is redundancy and bloated writing. Check out this infographic with 80 examples of wordy expressions that muddy the meaning of sentences.
Have you ever stumbled over a comment from a native English speaker and been shocked by the grammar? It's not uncommon to see mistakes like 'your' instead of 'you're', or 'its' instead of 'it's. The fact is, even native speakers make mistakes. Here are 10 common writing mistakes that even native speakers of English often make.
Want to become a better writer? Basic writing follows rules and is more of a science. Advanced writing, on the other hand, is more of an art form. Here are 14 tips and tricks to make your writing stronger.
No matter your level of English, it's inevitable that sooner or later you’ll come across a fancy-sounding term derived from Latin. You are virtually guaranteed to run into Latin terms at work or in college. In this infographic, you'll find 52 of the most common Latin abbreviations, words, and phrases.
Let’s face it: Even native and fluent speakers of English often use common phrases the wrong way, or spell them wrong. If you want clear and mistake-free writing, you can learn more about these tricky terms in this infographic.
Is your vocabulary rich and spot-on enough to succeed at work? Here’s your go-to list of all the right things to say at work. Ready to upgrade your business communication? Bookmark or print this infographic and keep it as a handy cheat sheet for managing communications on the job.
Is your vocabulary large enough not to bore your readers to death? Every great writer has a vocabulary rich in variety. This infographic highlights 16 common adjectives along with a list of colorful alternatives to grip your readers and bring them back to life.
Just like food, your writing needs spice. This infographic will help you turn the most basic and mundane verbs into scintillating ones. Ready to upgrade your writing? Then take a look at this handy list of 16 common verbs, followed by a handful of interesting replacements for each one.
Do you know what distinguishes a so-so writer from a great one? Careful use of words, especially knowing when and when not to use a certain word. Even native speakers of English feel overwhelmed by this sometimes. Discover 20 cases of poor word choice, in this infographic.
Is your writing good enough to deal with the grammar police? This is the second part of our "44 Common Confusions" infographic series, which covers 22 of 44 commonly misunderstood, misspelled, or just tricky English words and phrases. It's time to ramp up your grammar defense. Take action, now.
What's your biggest grammar pet peeve? This first infographic of a set of two will help you to differentiate and overcome some of the most commonly confused English words and phrases. Many of them are annoyingly tricky. So take notes and start giving those grammar cops a run for their money.
Unlike fancy clothes, pretentious talk is likely to alienate people, not earn their admiration. This infographic tells you what not to say if you want to make a good impression. What words and phrases do you dread hearing? Check it out and let us know in the comments below.
As many professional writers will tell you, good writing is less about writing and more about editing. First, put your words on the page quickly. Then spend far more time polishing those words through your self-editing process. Do you want to become a better writer and a fierce editor? Then take a look at the following infographic.
Professional writers should not only have an exceptional command of the language, be creative, write with style, and possess a certain stick-to-it-iveness, but also avoid bad habits that can make or break your reputation and career. Take a look at this infographic and see which items you can work on.
This infographic shows you how to turn on spell-checking and advanced grammar-checking in three of the most popular email programs: Gmail, Yahoo Mail, and Outlook.
Are you intrigued by meditation and interested in how it can help improve your writing. This simple guide will help you understand exactly what meditation is, how it can improve your ability to focus, how it increases your mental capability and creativity, and how you can get started immediately.
Do you know the technical differences between average, advanced, nuanced and thoughtful English writing? In this infographic you'll discover 7 secrets that will help you take your writing to the next level.
This infographic covers 12 common words and their often mistaken counterparts. Words that even professional writers and editors confuse from time to time. Do you know any words that look alike, sound alike, or both? Take a look to know how to use each one correctly and easily.
This is a list of online tools that have proven themselves helpful in handling everything from automation to collaboration, from writing to citing, from website coding to party planning.
We all know that a broad vocabulary can add life to your novel, short story, song, or poem. Here's a handy list of alternatives to common nouns that might better fit your sentence.
Do your grandparents or great-grandparents sometimes use any funny words? Here are 16 old-fashioned, sometimes complicated words that surely add a lot of color to conversations and books.
Texting, online chatting, celebrities, and trends have heavily influenced the slang vocabulary of the millennial generation. Here are 16 such words you need to know.
Even avid readers and book authors can make writing mistakes, which is why they have professional editors! Which of these 10 common errors do you struggle with the most?
Sometimes it can be difficult to identify excessive verbiage and unnecessary words in your own writing. This infographic will help you to identify 20 common clutter words and phrases.
Can you start a sentence with But or And, or end a sentence with a preposition? Is it acceptable to split infinitives, or to write in first person? Uncover all that and more writing myths, in this infographic.
English is a tricky language, and sometimes similar words can trip you up. Let's take a look at some of the most confusing verb pairs, in this infographic.
Know what exactly plagiarism is? In this infographic we're addressing everything you need to know about plagiarism, along with a set of easy-to-apply, practical tips to avoid future troubles with plagiarism.
It's time to put a halt on catchall exclamations and broad intensifiers, so ambiguous and overused that they really don’t mean anything anymore. Here are 14 examples of words that you might want to use less.
Here are 18 common English words of Indian origin. Curious which English words were borrowed and derived from Hindi? Then take a look at this infographic.
There's nothing more boring than reading the same phrases over and over again. Take a look at this infographic to find out how to make your writing more varied and interesting.
What is the Oxford comma? Is it good or bad, and do we recommended it? Find out more about the notoriously controversial serial comma in this infographic.
Find out how to write a clean, tidy, and effective cover letter. This infographic will guide you step by step through the process of picking the right format, give tips on how to organize and enhance it, and tell you what to include and what not.
Do you know how to use transition words? In this infographic, you'll not only find out what they are and when to use them, but also get to see a list of common, useful and powerful transitional expressions.
Looking for a controversial topic for your essay? In this infographic we've covered some of the most popular, political and controversial issues in 2017.
What kind of writing mistakes are common in emails? What is a good subject line? Should you keep emails brief or detailed? How to end an email? Take a look to find out now.
What is one main difference between American and British English? Short answer, vocabulary. In this infographic we've illustrated 63 common everyday words that are different.
How long should a sentence be? How many words make a paragraph? When should you start a new paragraph? Are double-negatives acceptable? Here are five basic rules of English writing.
Here, a look at six overused words still used in the belief that they are snappy, trendy or cool. Can you think of more original or relevant expressions? Let's take a look at what you can use instead.
Take our list of overused words and phrases as a reminder to use them less often, or stop using them altogether; Because sometimes, the words we say don’t mean much. This infographic highlights 44 such terms, so nondescript and ubiquitous that many barely even notice their meaningless existence.
Do you know how to join two independent clauses, when to use commas to separate a nonrestrictive or introductory phrase, or how to make the subject and verb agree with each other? If you don't, take a look at these 11 essential grammar rules.
This infographic covers some of the most common English prepositions of time. Examples are provided for: in, on, at, since, for, ago, before, to, past, from, till/until, by, ...
Avoid the word “very” because it’s weak and vague. In most cases it can easily be replaced with a stronger, more accurate word. This infographic will show you what you can use instead.
Repeating the word "said" too often can get annoying. Here are 222 words to use instead. Not all of them are synonyms but alternatives that can be used to give more color and expression to your writing. Use them with discretion as some words only apply to certain situations.
Discover the most common English prepositions of place and direction. Each preposition in the list has been graphically illustrated. Do you understand them all?
Blogging and commenting is a lot like marketing. You’re trying to convince someone with your opinion or certain facts. You want to be taken seriously. But is that possible if your post is full of writing mistakes? This infographic lists 18 common errors and explains how you can fix them.
Understand the difference of the words 'Affect' and 'Effect', know how and when to use them, and find out how to differentiate 34 other commonly confused word pairs, in this infographic.
This is a visual list of 111 alternatives for the word 'Great'. Take a look at this infographic to see 111 of the best, most creative synonyms and similar expressions for the popular adjective 'Great'.
Does using the same words over and over again make you feel dull, empty, or even unintelligent about your writing? Then find out which synonyms you can use instead.
A collection of 18 beautiful words from around the world that we actually could use in English. Do you know any other wonderful foreign words? Take a look and let us know.
See 30 examples of common English idioms and understand what they mean. Idioms are mental images, used to express something in a more brief but vivid way. Do you know them all? Take a look!
Are you a champ at selecting words and punctuation yet? Here are 21 frequently ignored (or unknown) grammar rules and writing mistakes that everyone who writes should know.
Do you know the most common writing mistakes bloggers make on a regular basis? Find out more about run-on sentences, comma splices, dangling modifiers, that vs. which, your vs. you're, how to use quotes and apostrophes, and more of those easy-to-miss mistakes in this infographic.
Are boring words hurting your writing? Some words, when repetitively used, become boring for the reader. Consider using a synonym instead, which might help convey the meaning more vividly and accurately.
Do you know what a verbose colloquialism is? Take a look at this infographic to find out more about weak words and adjectives, filler words, nominalization, and other bad writing habits.
Not everyone in the U.S., Canada, Australia, or the UK writes perfect English. In this infographic we had a look at some of the most common writing mistakes that even English native speakers frequently make.
No matter if essay or sales copy, persuading your readers to agree with you can help convert them into paying customers or get you a higher grade for your next essay. Have a look at this infographic to find out how to maximize your persuasiveness and how to use it for your own benefits.
There are certain comma errors keep popping up. Here we cover the most common ones: the comma splice, the interrupter rule, the serial comma, interchangeable adjectives, introductory words, and the notorious dependant clause at the start of a sentence.
Need a great essay topic? One that polarizes people, one that is debatable and argumentative? You've come to the right place! This infographic lists ten controversial issues that work for essays in 2016 and beyond.
Even native English writers have been caught screwing up these words and phrases, which spell check often can't find. Idioms, homonyms, or words that sound alike, often present as an obstacle in comprehending words. Have a look at these 33 commonly misunderstood expressions!
Need to write an essay but can't decide on a topic? Don't know how to start and what pitfalls to avoid? What makes a good essay anyway? In this infographic, we've compiled a list of essential "must-know" tips to supercharge your essay writing skills.
Nobody can stand weak words. And neither can you. This infographic will help you identify and replace weak, meaningless words with stronger ones. You'll be surprised how a few simple word replacements can change the impact of your text completely.
Thinking of writing a book, struggle with getting started, keeping momentum, or finishing in time? Writing productively in a commercial setting is crucial for your success, and helps tremendously with tight deadlines. In this infographic we've compiled a list of the most inspiring quotes from those best-selling authors that were critically and commercially successful with their own work. Enjoy!
Ever wondered what the secret ingredients are to writing a book that people love to read? How is it that some writers are able to make a living from their passion and others aren't? Is finding the right publisher the key to unlocking the success of a novel? Have a look at this infographic and find out what we've discovered on our journey to find the answer to these questions.
Want to get hired and are scared that your resume possibly won't make it? This infographic includes a collection of the most useful resume writing tips and common mistakes applicants commit.
Really need that higher grade? Wonder how others write successful admission essays? Then, this infographic is for you. Tune in and find out how to write great essays. Easy.
This brand new infographic illustrates 15 of the most common grammar and writing errors committed by students and reveals how to reduce mistakes the smart way.
Do you want to learn a language but don't know how and where to start? Then, have a look at this infographic. It comes fully loaded with valuable language-learning tips and tricks.
What makes a good essay? This infographic will teach you, step-by-step, how to write a great essay, the pitfalls to avoid and golden rules to obey, and the most common stylistic mistakes. Better bookmark this now for your next essay!
Not only for journalists, this infographic is a must-read for anyone writing on a daily basis. It highlights the most common mistakes, what readers are put off by, consequences of grammatical mistakes in publications, and includes tips on how to make your writing better.
This infographic will show you common writing mistakes and grammatical errors that people often commit in business writing settings. Research was based on trusted, academic sources.
Ever wondered what the most common grammar mistakes are that bloggers make? Run-on sentences, punctuation, or maybe use of wrong tenses? This infographic highlights common blog post writing errors and blogging facts.
Here some of the most controversial topics for 2014. If you need an idea or inspiration for an essay, have a look at our infographic and (please) share it with your fellow students or colleagues! Thank you.
This infographic illustrates common grammar errors, e.g. the comma splice and run-on sentences, and highlights the most common mistakes that people commit in writing.